Legacy Giving is about taking care of your community and wanting to make your community a better place in the future.

Legacy Giving goes by many names: Planned Giving, Estate Giving or Bequest Giving.

When we talk about Legacy Giving we’re talking about leaving a gift in your Will. Leaving a gift in your Will to your Charity is quite simple.

First, talk it over with your family and loved ones, then speak to your lawyer about drafting or revising your Will. You can also talk to your Charity to get more information about Legacy Giving.

Speaking to a charity provides information to you about their goals and needs. This conversation will provide the charity with what areas of their organization you are interested in and ensure that your charitable goals are fulfilled.

Many people think that only wealthy people leave money to charity, in reality most bequests are made by ordinary, hardworking people who want to make a positive difference in their community after they’re gone.

Did you know that you should inform the charity of your intentions?

Yes, we encourage you to discuss your intentions with the charity. This helps identify the areas you wish to support and allows the charity to thank you. Your discussions will be kept in strict confidence and you can change your mind at any time.